Introduction to Linux
Linux sounds a like superhero name, but it's not! Well, it does have superhero qualities such as:
very secure and does not require any sort of Antivirus Software (i like this one!)
open-source software (thanks Linus!)
it allows multi-user and multi-tasking, with a POWERFUL Shell and multiple flavors (Chocolate? Nope... Distributions/flavors such as "Ubuntu"; "Debian", "Red hat"; etc.)
It provides services for applications and manages computer hardware. It's a platform to run desktops, embedded systems, and servers.
Linux Architecture
It is made up of several different components working together to form an Operating System which is organized into layers. Each layer interacts with the other to provide its functionality.
The Kernel is the heart of Linux. Shell/Terminal is the door through which the user can interact with the hardware via the Kernel.
Linux File Hierarchy
Everything in Linux is made up of a File System Hierarchy. The structure starts at the top with the "root" directory. It is represented by a "/". The files are stored in a directory (folder) and every directory contains files with a tree structure.
Basic Linux Commands
Below is a list of some basic commands one should know when operating Linux. It is always a good idea to not just learn the commands but "understand" how commands operate within Linux.
This small blog just provided a basic intro to Linux with some basic commands. There's so much more that Linux can do. As I learn more, I will share my findings.
I appreciate your busy time reading this short blog. As I continue with my journey to learn and become a DevOps Engineer, I will share what I learn. Thank you.
Happy Learning!